Our profession is advancing rapidly and changing almost daily, posing new challenges to the supply management professional. As our industry evolves, so does ISM training. We are the only supply management association that provides training in all areas of our supply management profession.
We stay on top of trends and changes to keep our training relevant to what our members expect and need for success. With globally-recognized training programs, ISM education is respected across industries within supply management.
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ISM-Utah Opening Social (with Speaker); Harnessing Supplier Data for Procurement Efficiency
ISM-Utah Opening Social (with Speaker); Harnessing Supplier Data for Procurement Efficiency
2024-2025 Season Opening Social with Speaker Conrad Smith, Founder and CEO of Graphite Connect and Founder of Utah Leaders in Procurement.
Location: Velvet Room, Thanksgiving Point, 3003 N Thanksgiving Way, Lehi, UT 84043
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Supply Chain Costing and Performance Management
Supply Chain Costing and Performance Management
This presentation is based on the book “Supply Chain Costing and Performance Management” that Gary Cokins co-authored published by John Wiley & Sons. The book is a result of a research study to examine the application of supply chain profit and costing measurement methods in multiple industries and international settings.
Learning Objectives:
- Why there is pressure on supply chain trading partners to collaborate rather than be adversarial.
- Why customers are the source of shareholder wealth creation for suppliers.
- How to measure and manage supplier, product, channel, and customer profitability.
- Why as differentiation from product advantages is reduced or neutralized due to commoditization, then service level differentiation matters, and the customer relationship grows in importance as a competitive advantage.
- How to shift the mindset from growing sales to growing profitable sales and to view customers as investments like in a stock portfolio to seek higher ROIs – return on customers (ROC).
- How to consider influencing a company’s suppliers’ suppliers and customers’ customers – second tiers and above.